Yaya, the sound of the flame coming out of this fire.

Viewing this fire with open eyes is strictly prohibited. After following some rules this fire can be seen for a limited period of time. The time taken by you to walk 108 steps i.e. 108 seconds would be taken to walk 108 steps. Every human being has his own walking speed, so count your walking pace by looking at the watch.

Instant end of evil eye will be burnt

Yaya, the sound of the flame coming out of this fire has to be heard with ears and the sound of the flame coming out of this fire has to be heard with both the eyes. What will be the time for about 108 seconds. You can calculate the actual time by following the steps of your feet. Because the walking speed of each person is different. Only after that see this fire with your own eyes. As soon as you see this, the evil eye will burn away from your body.

Instant end of evil eye will be burnt and destroyed only by Yaya sound music.

A fire which originates inside the Pacific Ocean, whose name is Yaya, keeps sucking the sea water to maintain its level. Otherwise, the whole world will drown in the sea. This earth will drown in water. The relation of that fire is human. Is from caste. This fire is alive and infinitely intelligent.